Wednesday, March 31, 2010

AFSCME 17: Tobacco ban on County property

Do you support the County’s current tobacco ban on County property? Would you support a later implementation date to allow the unions to bargain this issue? Would you support an employee exemption?

I support tobacco bans anywhere residents get county services and employees work with other employees. Employees should be able to use tobacco anywhere that it won't bother other employees or residents.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Candidate Questions

Judy Wiff from sent me a questionnaire a few weeks ago and my answers are below. It was published at

Name: James Stauffer
District: 8
Age: 33
Address: 2092 90th Ave, Baldwin 54002
Occupation: Software Engineer
Family: Wife: Annette; 5 children: Anna, Joseph, William, Joel, and Edward
Prior elective office: None beyond student government senator at UW-Stout

Reasons/qualifications: I want to represent the 8th district to
minimize taxes and other costs while keeping county services
high-quality. I would also like to make the county board meetings
more accessible by changing the time to the evening so that it is more
convenient for residents. I would also like to see meetings
recordings posted online such as on so that all residents
can freely view the meetings at convenient times. Feel free to email
me at or visit my blog at or call me at 715-688-3948

Central St. Croix News Questionnaire

Tonight Michele Lyksett from Central St. Croix News sent me a questionnaire. My answers are below.

Your name as it will appear on the ballot: James Stauffer

Have you served in this office previously? (If, yes when and/or how long) No

Have you served in any other political offices? (If so, what offices and when?) No

What is your occupation? Software Engineer

How long have you lived in the municipality? 4 years in Hammond township (20 years in St. Croix County)

Family information: Wife: Annette; 5 children: Anna, Joseph, William, Joel, and Edward

Why are you seeking this office?
I want to represent the 8th district to minimize taxes and other costs while keeping county services high-quality. I would also like to make the county board meetings more accessible by changing the time to the evening so that it is more convenient for residents, and by posting meetings recordings online such as on so that all residents can freely view the meetings at convenient times.

What do you see as three of the biggest issues facing your municipality AND what do you see as the board’s role dealing with them?

I think three of the largest issues facing us are unemployment, housing foreclosures, and government growth. The county board can help relieve those problems by minimizing taxes and other costs. When taxes are lower, unemployment checks go farther, more jobs are created, and it is easier to make mortgage payments (or sell if that is needed). The county board can also help the county be as minimally invasive as possible.

AFSCME 16: Board meeting times

Currently board meetings are held during the day. This presents a problem to the bulk of St. Croix County residents, as they are generally working at that time. If elected would you consider voting to move some, if not all board meeting to the evening, so that more members of the public can attend?

I definitely think that board meetings should be as accessible to most people as possible. That includes choosing meeting times that are best for the residents of the county, making the meetings available on the internet and cable TV, and making it easy for residents to ask questions and comments even when they can't attend the meetings.

Monday, March 29, 2010

AFSCME 15: Cost savings priorities

On a Scale of 1-6, with 1 being the first place you would look for cost savings and 6 being the last place you would look for cost savings, how would you rate the following options?

1. Benefit reductions
2. Furloughs
3. Wage freeze
4. Privatizing services
5. Layoffs
6. Wage increase with layoffs

Saturday, March 27, 2010

AFSCME 14: Unused property

What is your view on the county owning currently unused property and what would you propose the county do with this property?

Any property that isn't expected to meet a need relatively soon should be reviewed for sale. Selling unused property can decrease the costs of county government.

Friday, March 26, 2010

AFSCME 13: St. Croix County in 5 years

Where do you see St. Croix County in five years?

In five years, I would like to see St. Croix County government reduce the costs to living and working in the county while maintaining high service levels. I would also like plans in place to address expected changes for the next decade (such as population growth and demographic changes).

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

AFSCME 12: St. Croix Industries

St. Croix Industries (sheltered workshop) is potentially being retooled in a way that would send participants (special needs) into the workforce as quickly as possible. This is something that stems from the State level, but could be potentially addressed, in part, at the county level. What would you do to address this issue at the county level?

The decision to address this at the county level would have to be well thought out to make sure that is is more effective to address it at the county level. If it was determined that it is best to address it at the county level, then discussions with the state should be commenced to ensure that the transition is smooth and doesn't leave gaps in service, expertise, etc.

Monday, March 22, 2010

AFSCME 11: Taxes based on "ability to pay"

Do you support or oppose changes in our tax system so that it is based to a greater extent on "ability to pay", making business and the wealthy carry a more equitable share of the tax burden for public services?

I oppose taxes designed just to penalize those who are more productive.

Monday, March 15, 2010

AFSCME 10: Shared Revenue level

Do you support or oppose efforts to reduce the current level of state aid to local government in the form of shared revenue?

Control and money should be as local as possible.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

AFSCME 9: Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR)

Do you support or oppose the so-called Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR), which would restrict local governments’ ability to make decisions locally about taxing and spending?

Control should be as local as possible because local government is more responsive to the people. I am against the state taking control from local government. I wholeheartedly support efforts that minimize taxes.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

AFSCME 8: Private contracting

Do you support or oppose the privatization or contracting out of services currently provided by state and local government employees?

There are some services that should obviously be contracted out (i.e. utilities) and other services that obviously shouldn't be contracted out (i.e law enforcement). For the rest, there are many factors to consider including: Number of employees involved, historical effectiveness of the employees and potential contractors, privacy, service hours, contractor oversight, ease of reversing the decision, and many other things. These decisions can't be made lightly.