Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nursing home at a crossroads? | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin

Nursing home at a crossroads? | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin: "The LarsonAllen report indicates that if the county wanted to build a new 40-bed nursing home and 48-unit assisted living complex, the financial picture would improve slightly over the next decade. But even under that best-case scenario, the nursing home would likely still require a subsidy from taxpayers to continue operating."

"In a study conducted by WIPFLi in 2008, wage and benefit comparisons between the St. Croix County nursing home and nearby private facilities showed quite a difference when it came to health insurance and pension costs."

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wants high speed rail | Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin

Wants high speed rail | Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin: "This project is vital to Wisconsin’s future."

How in the world is passenger rail vital to our future? Amtrack cetainly doesn't give that impression. China has much higher population density than WI. Even in Japan (that is very dense), passenger rail doesn't pay for itself. After the money from the federal government to build the route, WI still has to pay to maintain and run it.

Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin

Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin: "What short memories we can have. Back in 2008, every precinct in St. Croix County approved a referendum to use tax levy dollars to help support the nursing home."

The referendum ends with “if property tax dollars are needed to fund its operation”. When the nursing home has per day costs that are 28% higher than area government owned nursing homes ($188 vs. $240) and private pay patients are subsidized at $40/day, I fail to see how the nursing home needs levy funds for its operation.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The CDBG for flood relief has 30% government "overhead"!

Why New York Shouldn't Mourn Earmarks | Tad DeHaven | Cato Institute: Commentary: "Federal administration costs are about 5% of the value of CDBG grants, with local and state governments taking a 17% and 8% cut, respectively."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

St. Croix Valley Nursing Home Advocates Question Deep Budget Cuts | KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul

St. Croix Valley Nursing Home Advocates Question Deep Budget Cuts | KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul: "The group gathered Tuesday to express their frustration with the supervisors who they say attempted to remove the levy funding of $600,000 from the County Nursing Home at the October County Board meeting.

The group says the motion, brought forth by Steve Hermsen, District 13, failed after a 9 to 9 floor vote. However, a budget motion by Sharon Norton-Bauman to take $320,000 from the nursing home was passed."

The nursing home budget is over $6,400,000 so those represent cuts of 10% and 5%. Those are significant cuts but our economic situation calls for tightening our belts. The $320,000 that was cut represents the amount that taxpayers were subsidizing those who can afford to pay for their own care. Asking people who have lost their jobs and/or houses to subsidize people who don't need the money isn't justifiable to me.