Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

What to make of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's "budget repair bill" | Wide White

What to make of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's "budget repair bill" | Wide White: "By now I'm sure you've heard about the proposed 'budget repair bill' proposed by newly-elected Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker."

The linked article does an excellent job of describing the issue.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Madison protests bring union backers together | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin

Madison protests bring union backers together | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin: "Unions would be prevented from negotiating anything but salaries — and any increase greater than the rate of inflation would require voter approval in a referendum."
Seems reasonable for the short term budget problems.

"Union dues couldn’t be collected by school districts or state and local governments. No one could be required to pay union dues."
I don't think anyone should be forced or prevented from joining a union. Government shouldn't have to do the administrative work for the union of collecting dues.

"Contracts could be for no more than one year, and bargaining units would have to vote annually on maintaining certification as a union."
Seems ok for the short term budget problems.

"Most workers would have to make half the annual contribution into their pension, and would have to pay at least 12.6 percent of their health insurance premiums."
In the private sector, people usually pay at least 50% (and often 75%) of their retirement and 25% of their health insurance so that sounds like a good idea.