Thursday, December 1, 2011


I am sad to announce that I am resigning my position as a county board supervisor because I am moving out of my district. I feel honored to have been given the opportunity to represent the people of our district to improve St. Croix County and truly regret that our district may not have representation for the remaining 4 months of the term.

My wife and I have looking for a better house for our growing family for 2.5 years. Even when we recently bought a better house, I planned to continue living in the district to finish my current term (unless our old house sold first). But that plan is turning out to be too hard on my family.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Local lawmaker says: Let voters approve wheel tax | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin

Local lawmaker says: Let voters approve wheel tax | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin: Assembly Republican Dean Knudson of Hudson says voters have a right to be heard before their local governments slap “wheel taxes” on their autos.

Milwaukee, Beloit, Mayville, and St. Croix County charge $10-$20-dollars a year, on top of the $75 and more that vehicle owners pay to Madison.

Concealed weapons banned from St. Croix County Government Center | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin

Concealed weapons banned from St. Croix County Government Center | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin: 'The [Administrative Committee] unanimously approved a motion to place signs on the building designating it as a courthouse for purpose of carrying concealed weapons through November.'

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Concealed Carry in County Buildings

A county employee sent me the following email:
I am writing regarding the conceal & carry law that will take effect on November 1, 2011. As a citizen in your district and employee of St. Croix County, I am asking that the Board of Supervisors pass a resolution banning concealed weapons inside ALL buildings housing County operations (i.e. not just the Government Center, but buildings in New Richmond, Baldwin and Hammond).

Without a resolution banning concealed weapons in ALL buildings housing County operations, employees and the general public will be subject to the increased anxiety of knowing any member of the public who walks through the door may be armed. Please take into consideration the employees of St. Croix County, as well as the general public, in your deliberations.

Thank you for your consideration.

My response:
Thank you for contacting me.

I believe that the right to Life is one of the most important rights a
person will have and I very strongly support the right of people to
defend their life.

I don't believe that a ban on weapons in all buildings housing county
operations will increase safety -- in fact I think it will decrease
safety because it will only stop the law-abiding citizens while
serving notice to violent people that the buildings have little to no
protection (especially outside of the government center). The Sheriff
and D.A. have both stated that they agree that just posting the
buildings won't help safety. Right now it is also true that "any
member of the public who walks through the door may be armed".

I do also support the employees right to safety so I won't support
limiting employee rights to self-defense.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Rivertown will web cast recall forum | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin

Rivertown will web cast recall forum | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin: "Voters can watch the 10th Senate District recall forum live next Thursday morning on any of the five Wisconsin Rivertown Newspaper Group websites.

The forum, broadcast from UW-River Falls, will begin at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, July 28."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thompson named county administrator at Tuesday night's meeting | Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin

Thompson named county administrator at Tuesday night's meeting | Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin: "Pat Thompson, 52, was awarded a two-year contract by a 10-5 vote after a period of discussion in which some supervisors said the county was paying too much for the job.

Thompson’s base salary is $135,000 a year with incentive bonuses that could bring him an extra $15,000 each year."

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tentative Redistricting Plan and Current Supervisor locations

The tentative redistricting plan is labeled "9B" and here are the supervisors who live in the tentative districts:
1: Ryan S Sicard
2: Linda L Luckey
3: Robert Shearer
4: Daryl Standafer
5: Sharon A Norton-Bauman and Roger Rebholz
6: Buck Malick
7: None
8: Steve Hermsen
9: Buzz Marzolf and Lorin D Sather
10: None
11: Roger Larson
12: Frederick Horne
13: Esther Scott Wentz
14: None
15: Karen Meyer
16: James Stauffer and Joe Hurtgen
17: Alfred Schrank and Brian Hurtgen
18: None
19: William Peavey

Map of current supervisor's homes

If you live in one of the following areas that have no current supervisor, you will almost certianly have an open race and should look for people that you think should run: Town of Hudson south of the freeway, River Falls and N.E., South of New Richmond, Village of Baldwin and South Baldwin township.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

County Administrator Salary

The Administration committee is recommending that the county pay the new Administrator $135,000 (plus a $15,000 bonus for a strategic plan). Human Resources provided salary survey information so why does the new administrator need to make more than all but one administrator in the survey? Even the Dane County executive (with a population that is 5 times as big as St. Croix) only made $110,156.80 last year and the WI governor only makes $137,092!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

St. Croix County selects administrator | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin

St. Croix County selects administrator | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin: "After going nearly six months with the St. Croix County administrator’s position vacant, the position is in the final stage of being filled.

Patrick H. Thompson, who most recently was administrator for Hamilton County in Cincinnati, Ohio, was selected by the county board’s administrative committee as the top candidate Wednesday."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Evening meetings

In May and June the County Board meetings are held in the evening.
  • May 3rd at 7 PM
  • June 7th at 7 PM

Monday, May 2, 2011

Committee forwards nursing home recommendation | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin

Committee forwards nursing home recommendation | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin: "To make the facility self-sustaining, Horne said the county should direct the negotiating committee to work with employees to establish wage and benefit concessions that would reduce costs in the nursing home operation."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Enough Citizen Involvement in Local Government? | Bill Roehl

Enough Citizen Involvement in Local Government? | Bill Roehl: "1. The announcement for the meeting was made available to the public via Rosemount’s local newspaper ~36 hours prior to the meeting itself. Aside from the fact that in 2011 newspapers, especially local ones, are read by very few it just makes no sense to provide information about an upcoming meeting which needs participation to be successful with only a few hours notice.

2. Providing only one method for collecting citizen input for such an important topic is quite unfortunate. Most people are uninterested in participating in person at a public event and thus the opinions provided are usually dominated by those who are comfortable in that setting or have an agenda they wish to be heard. While other methods are likely to be available such as phone or e-mail communications, they aren’t made known and they still do not make room for those individuals who are uncomfortable with direct communications methods.

3. Is public input about a topic such as economic development going to help a town which forced a downtown revitalization and has been suffering with a lack of business for over two years and has taken input from “the public” in the past in the way of a single person’s opinion?"

These are good lessons for government officials to remember.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Judge files claim for pothole damage | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin

Judge files claim for pothole damage | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin: "St. Croix County Circuit Judge Eric J. Lundell has filed a $1,432 claim against the city of Hudson for damage done to a family car when it hit a pothole in Coulee Road last January."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ATV use on the Wildwood Trail

ATV groups have requested permission to use ATVs on the Wildwood trail and there have been some concerns raised. I would like to see if we can come up with a plan that addresses the concerns so that we can make everyone happy. Please comment with any suggestions that you have.

Concerns include:
Pedestrian safety
* Ruts
* Road crossings (blacktop edge)
* Quicker surface wear
Pinch points (narrow areas like the tunnel under the freeway)
Steep hill at the county line
Loss of non-motorized grants
Paying for any work or materials needed
Sight distance issues for road crossings

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wisconsin Senate Advances Bill Opposed by Unions -

Wisconsin Senate Advances Bill Opposed by Unions - "The Wisconsin Senate succeeded in voting Wednesday to strip nearly all collective bargaining rights from public workers, after Republicans outmaneuvered the chamber's missing Democrats and approved an explosive proposal that has rocked the state and unions nationwide."

This doesn't strip bargaining rights from workers -- it strips the rights of unions to force people to join. If anyone doesn't like the wage and benefits of their job, they are free to look for a better job.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

What to make of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's "budget repair bill" | Wide White

What to make of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's "budget repair bill" | Wide White: "By now I'm sure you've heard about the proposed 'budget repair bill' proposed by newly-elected Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker."

The linked article does an excellent job of describing the issue.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Madison protests bring union backers together | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin

Madison protests bring union backers together | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin: "Unions would be prevented from negotiating anything but salaries — and any increase greater than the rate of inflation would require voter approval in a referendum."
Seems reasonable for the short term budget problems.

"Union dues couldn’t be collected by school districts or state and local governments. No one could be required to pay union dues."
I don't think anyone should be forced or prevented from joining a union. Government shouldn't have to do the administrative work for the union of collecting dues.

"Contracts could be for no more than one year, and bargaining units would have to vote annually on maintaining certification as a union."
Seems ok for the short term budget problems.

"Most workers would have to make half the annual contribution into their pension, and would have to pay at least 12.6 percent of their health insurance premiums."
In the private sector, people usually pay at least 50% (and often 75%) of their retirement and 25% of their health insurance so that sounds like a good idea.

Friday, January 21, 2011

County board seeks to fill vacant seat | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin

County board seeks to fill vacant seat | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin: "Due to the death of Gene Ruetz, St. Croix County Supervisory District 7 no longer has representation on the county board."

"Anyone who is a qualified elector and resident of District 7 is welcome to place their name in nomination. If chosen to fill the seat, the person will complete the unexpired portion of the 2010-2012 term.

County Supervisory District 7 is made up of Ward 1 in the Town of Richmond; Wards 1 and 2 in the Town of Somerset; Wards 1 and 2 in the Town of Warren; and Wards 1-3 in the Village of Roberts."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

St. Croix County Board member Ruetz dies Tuesday | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin

St. Croix County Board member Ruetz dies Tuesday | New Richmond News | New Richmond, Wisconsin: "Long-time St. Croix County Board member Eugene Ruetz, 81, of rural New Richmond died on Tuesday evening, Jan. 4 at the Baldwin Area Medical Center. Ruetz represented District 7"

He was on the Community Development Committee with me. He will be missed! :-(