Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ATV use on the Wildwood Trail

ATV groups have requested permission to use ATVs on the Wildwood trail and there have been some concerns raised. I would like to see if we can come up with a plan that addresses the concerns so that we can make everyone happy. Please comment with any suggestions that you have.

Concerns include:
Pedestrian safety
* Ruts
* Road crossings (blacktop edge)
* Quicker surface wear
Pinch points (narrow areas like the tunnel under the freeway)
Steep hill at the county line
Loss of non-motorized grants
Paying for any work or materials needed
Sight distance issues for road crossings

1 comment:

  1. One option that comes to mind to address most of those concerns would be to have a low speed limit. I was told that the ATV speed limit in local cities and villages was 10 MPH (compared to 35-40 MPH on township roads).
    Maintenance can be reduced by limiting the season (specifically prohibit ATVs when the ground is soft in the Spring).
    The ATV club has offered funds to offset costs. What should the county do if sufficient funds aren't donated (especially in future years)? Who would do the work? Would county staff have to do the work?
